Sunday, March 8, 2009

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Tan and Nerdy?

So, with being sick and all, I've been missing a ton of school (try 5 weeks). Of course, I was getting some work (not all the stuff, mind you, just a few assignments from just two of my six classes). And I put them all off until Sunday (the day before yesterday). After getting my blog, I did like a bajillion hours of make-up work. I wrote 3 essays all at leasta 3 pages (one was 4 pages long) and tons of other work. But anyway, the point is, I did most of my make-up work IN ONE DAY.

Today I went to my history teacher, Brother Rodd. And I said, "I need my make-up work." Because everytime I went to school to get it he wasn't there. And he said, "I don't know what to tell you. You've been gone for so long, that I'd have to ask you to basically complete the entire nine weeks (1/2 semester) in two weeks." And I thought "Oh no, Brother Rodd! You were such a cool teacher! Don't become like John!!"

The John Story - Once upon a time, there was a girl (moi) and she was forced into taking the stupid science class because both her mother and guidance councelor thought she was too stupid to take Physics. She tried her hardest to remind them that she had already taken Physics back in middle school - it just wasn't for a high school credit. Alas, she was unable to convince them she was capable of taking Physics. Into the stupid science class she went. Two weeks later, when one of the students asked the teacher, John, "What is the metric system? Isn't that the place where all the poop goes?" completely, totally and utterly seriously - the girl eyed her pencil, wondering if it could possibly put her out of her misery. Sadly she was stuck in that stupid science class for another 16 weeks.

16 long, hellish weeks filled with more stupid questions and bullshit assigments.

Then one day, the girl got sick - in that class. She missed 3 weeks of school before she finally managed to make it back into John's stupid science class. She went to John and asked, "John, I need the make-up work for you class." John just looked at her blankly for a moment before syaing, "Make-up work? Yeah, you've been gone, what 6 weeks? There's no way you could possibly make up all that work."

"Um, no. Actaully I've only been gone for 3 weeks."

"Oh, well, that's still too long. There's no way you could make-up all this work."

The girl went to her guidance councelor, perpared to beg and plead her case for changing out of that class. Luckily he knew that she had missed a ton of work and before she could ask he said, "I think it would be best if you dropped some classes." She smiled. And dropped John's class. Only John's class. Now she has a study hall class that period.

[/end story]

I hope you enjoyed that breif, happy ending short story =) I'm loving it everyday!

Anyway, back to Brother Rodd. I saw him again, later - during my new study hall class (yayay!!). He said, "I've decided it'll just be easier if you read the 3 chapters we've worked on in class and then took the chapter test." I smiled again, because yay! someone sees that I am smart and capable of doing work!

See, most people don't know that I'm actually a super smart, N-E-R-D. Closet nerd, actually. And the only reason I'm not still in the International Baccalaureate program is because I'm extremly lazy. But I can and do do all that is required and so much more (I think I'm incapable of not writing the question in an answer - even if I have the question stated one line above. I also over write everything and usually end up with 3 page essays when only asked for 1 page, or even 1 paragraph. Nerdy much?).

At the same time, I've managed to maintain an almost perfect tan. It clears states "Does this fantablous girl LOOK like a nerd? I think NOT!"

Sunday, March 1, 2009

My word, what are those children doing?!

Sooooo, I finally got a blog. Uh huh. I'm suppose to be doing my English work - but I'm veeeeery good at procrastination, hence me finally getting a blog. Buahahaha.

Anyway, hi. My name is Lucy, and I want to be your new BFF. Seriously. Right now, I have some crappy friends and I might start to bitch about them soon, but I shall try to refrain. Because, honestly, once I start, who knows when I'll stop?

Other interesting facts: One month until April Fools Day!! (Last year, I convinced my mom that I had gotten a tattoo, and she was totally freaking out until I said "April Fools!" And then it took her at least 5 minutes to realize that it was an April Fools joke. Yeah, she's just slow like that. I keep trying to get her to do things to make sure she won't be completely crazy before she turns 50, but she usually forgets. Sigh.) I have Fifth Disease and it hurts like a mofo. (Fifth Disease = total pain EVERYWHERE for an undiscloesd about of time.) I typically prefer fictional people over real ones. I have never been kissed. My family is completely and irrevocably crazy/insane. Everyone is my soulmate until he proves otherwise. I am a compulsive liar.

Okay, so thats something about basically nothing. I am going to go finish working on my English work and I'll come back to blog later.
